Awaken the Embodied Woman Within

A Guided Journey in Cellular Healing, Feminine Restoration, and Metabolic Living. 6-month Group Mentorship starting Summer 2024.

This is your invitation to join us in a sacred circle of women on a journey of embodiment, cellular restoration, nourishment, feminine vitality, and somatic awareness.

The Embodied Woman 6 month Group Mentorship, will guide you into into cellular understanding of metabolic living, minerals, somatic healing, feminine health, and more. From Hair Mineral Testing to the Root Cause Protocol to somatic awareness, resourcing, and feminine awakening we will navigate pathways that allow you to metabolise life's experiences, past wounds, and old-held sensations from your body, which will open you into profound receptivity with life.


  • I feel deeply held and supported as well as stretched and challenged to remember my own wisdom. I feel a new remembering and honoring of the power of my body and the importance of nurturing my nervous system. I cannot thank you enough and I can think of no better investment than to dive into your offerings. The effects are long lasting & far reaching! Sending much love.



  • One thing I have noticed which is huge is I no longer crave sugar or junk foods. That’s been massive always and this past cycle at the usual points of craving I’ve not even fancied something sweet and if I have honey or a medjool date has hit the spot.

    I’m so grateful for this whole process and I’m so shook at how intense it is. My bleeds fully landed today definitely feel clearer than previous cycles



  • I am feeling so bloody good. I can’t even begin to image why I would have coffee in an empty stomach before now and not eat any breakfast and wonder why I felt so jittery all day. I still love my coffee and feel so intuitive around it now. I am loving feeling so grounded from eating breakfast and not having ridiculous highs and lows through the day



  • Being held in such a constant and steady way over such a period of time was truly amazing. So many changes have been allowed to unfold for me as I was given space to see more and more parts of myself and my patterns. I could not be more grateful or glad that I signed up x



  • Thank you Rebecca, for holding such a beautiful space. I felt very safe, held and also challenged in the most gentle and compassionate way. Your teachings, practices, reflections and energy were exactly what I needed this year. If you are feeling a call to work with Rebecca listen to the voice and trust that it will be exactly what you need.



  • I love, love, loved hearing everyone shares and the wisdom shared in support. It helped me feel really connected to the women in the circle but also more broadly as all of the issues we faced were mirrored in each other. Life changing, to my core!!



  • I felt as though I was more grounded while working through my time with Rebecca. I was introduced to this very intimate relationship within myself and the sacred feminine that i had not experienced at this level. The online practices were really helpful in keeping me to task on working with the womb and the earth which was new to me and contributed to my sense of groundedness and being more at home with myself and my body



  • I feel the Rebecca's work awoke a relationship and conversation with my body, the Earth and the Divine Feminine. I felt as though a very intimate connection was reestablished within me. It continues daily even though i am not actively working with Rebecca at the present time. My work with her shifted me out of a state of numbness and allows me to experience my daily life in a more animated and engaged way.



Is this you?

  • Do you feel you are constantly living in a state of survival?

  • Do you struggle to feel safe in your body and life?

  • Do you sense that you are depleted and undernourished which is leading to overwhelming burnout?

  • Do you feel disconnected from your power and ungrounded in life's uncertainties?

  • Do you feel numb, shut down, and hardened off to life, unable to access your feelings and emotions?

  • Are you preparing for pregnancy, recovering from childbirth, or have been breastfeeding, demanding an exceptional amount of energy?

  • Are you are dealing with menstrual, period, or womb-related health issues?

Stressful experiences, whether joyful or painful, deplete our bodies, and without intentional restoration, we can find ourselves in a continuous state of depletion.

The Embodied Woman Mentorship nurtures women experiencing burnout, distraction, nervous system overload, and a profound lack of nourishment.

It's a space for those feeling dysregulated, disconnected from their bodies, shut off from pleasure, and yearning for heart and womb re-connection.

This journey addresses depletion on a physiological level as well as mental, emotional and energetic. Supporting you in traversing the pathways of relationship challenges, intimacy cravings, fertility concerns, people-pleasing tendencies, boundary struggles, and the internal suppression of your innate feminine essence.

The Embodied Woman is a rich journey for mind, body, soul and cells, offering a transformation that will guide you into finally living the life of your dreams and desires. This is a culmination of all my offerings and work, curated to awaken life in every cell of your being. Say goodbye to exhaustion, depletion, lack of capacity, numbness, loss of libido, disconnection from your body, pushing on through in all areas of your life… and HELLO to embodied resource, cellular awakening, energy, vitality, becoming rooted in self and deeper connection to your body.

This mentorship is designed to guide women who are:

  • Ready to move from survival to thriving.

  • Transitioning from depleted to nourished.

  • Shifting from burnout to energetic abundance.

  • Moving from disembodiment to embodying their essence.

  • Transitioning from undernourished to truly nourished.

  • Seeking to ground themselves, moving from ungrounded to deeply grounded.

The Embodied Woman is for the woman who is ready for change in her life.

This mentorship is not just a program; it is a returning to the fullness of who you are.

If you're prepared to rewrite your story, nourish your being, take full responsibility for your energy and vitality, and step into the vibrant abundance that awaits, join the Embodied Woman Group Mentorship.

I am offering 20-minute complimentary connection calls for women who are curious to whether this journey is for them. You can book your call using the link below.

Embodied Woman is a journey for Women in all areas, for women navigating every facet of existence.

For those embracing womanhood, motherhood, the art of creation, leadership dynamics, the nuances of relationships, and wanting to learn the profound connection between their womb and minerals.

I will guide you through the deep waters of embodied resourcefulness, unlocking radical responsibility, claiming sovereignty, and initiating a profound process of cellular restoration.

This sacred passage isn't just for any woman; it's for those who yearn for an unbridled, richer, and more untamed expression across their life—be it in love, relationships, motherhood, womanhood, the act of creation, business, purpose, or the intimate realms of the heart, womb, and body.

The Embodied Woman is the call for those ready to embrace the wild beauty within and live it out loud.

The Embodied Woman Group Mentorship is a sacred space for women who are walking the journey back into their fullness. 

When we awaken feminine energy we re-awaken the wealth of life force energy within our body temple.

How would it feel to…

  • Integrate timelines to bring back lost, fragmented, disassociated parts of yourself to restore your nervous system back to a state of regulated balance

  • Liberate your womb, sexual energy to embody more pleasure in your life

  • Awaken your heart to love, deepen connections in you life, relationships and with yourself

  • Transform unhealthy patterns hidden within the unconscious to conscious 

  • Metabolise old experiences that have been shut down or frozen within your body that are manifesting as physical diagnosis or health issues

  • Find safety in the full expression of yourself, your needs and desires and communicate them with ease

  • Be held in deep love and presence as you explore your inner world 

  • Restore balance and harmony within your body, heart and womb - embodying your feminine energy, essence and cyclical way of nature.

  • Cultivate resource and safety within your body to move into a lived state of ease and relaxation


A 6-Month Group Journey

What you will receive?






( additional cost of approx £100)








Paid in full - £1550

Payment plan - £270 per month

Booking Terms + Conditions Here

If a group space isn’t for you at this yet you are feeling the deep call from your body to explore this journey have a look at my Individual Mentorship Programs here

Why do we need to re-mineralise the body?

As a woman begins to remineralise her body she begins to bring LIFE back into her cells. Minerals are the spark plugs of life and great communicators of the body. They form the energetic pathways and cells in her body that have not received the nourishment they need. As she re-mineralises her system she dives deep into a journey beyond the physical body. She is bringing life back into the parts that are hiding, playing dead and in hibernation. The parts that have been shut down, frozen or suppressed. This is a sacred journey of releasing the emotional and physical debris, gunk and cellular chaos from her inner temple which begins to clear the pathways for more life to flow through her

What does this look like?

In the Embodied Woman mentorship, we'll collectively navigate the Root Cause Protocol (RCP). As part of this journey, you'll have the opportunity to opt for an individual hair analysis test - HTMA. The results will be reviewed in your private sessions, and it's crucial to schedule your first one-on-one call within the initial month of the mentorship to facilitate this process.

While the general steps of the protocol align for everyone, there are personalised aspects tailored to individual needs. Our group sessions will be a dynamic blend of resourcing practices, embodied techniques, and emotional clearing practices to support the deeper embodiment of your radiance. Additionally, we will have our group sharing and dedicated time for check-ins for a supportive and collaborative environment.

Why the Root Cause protocol?

The Root Cause Protocol (RCP) works by restoring balance to the key minerals – magnesium, copper, and iron – that must work together to optimise energy and increase vitality. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA for short) is a laboratory test for 20 minerals and toxic metals in your hair. The balance of minerals in your hair can tell you about your adrenal and thyroid function, metabolic type, stress patterns, immune system, and much more. Most importantly, hair analysis can help determine which vitamins and minerals you need to rebalance your body chemistry and restore energy production—the key to healing most health issues.

HTMA will show a unique chart of your cellular patterns, like a thumb print your test is individual to you, it will show us the patterns of stress within your life, experiences such as trauma, health issues, depletions and how they have impacted your body and ability to cultivate cellular energy. From this report we are able to navigate a journey of restoration, truly giving your body what she needs to become re-nourished, re-plenished and re-vitaliased.

The RCP protocol + the addition of somatic, embodiment and healing practices will guide you into a more vibrant state within mind, body, spirit and energy

Understanding Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

In the journey for optimising health and well-being, exploring innovative methods to assess and address nutritional imbalances has gained significant attention. A powerful tool is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). This non-invasive test provides valuable insights into mineral levels within the body, offering a comprehensive view of one's health status.

Unveiling the Science Behind HTMA

HTMA analyses mineral content in hair, which serves as a storage medium for essential and toxic elements. The test measures various minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, and toxic metals like lead or mercury. These mineral levels can reflect imbalances, deficiencies, or excesses that might impact overall health.

Read more about HTMA here

In the Embodied Woman we explore:

  • Lymphatic Support

    Lymph drainage

    Lymph massage

    Dry body brushing

    Fludity in body and circulation

  • Breast Care

    Breast massage

    Heart opening practices

    Breast support

    Body nourishment

  • Womb Support

    Womb massage

    Womb meditations

    Womb honoring

    Cyclical awareness

    Seasons of womanhood

  • Re Mineralisation

    RCP Protocol

    Ancestral living

    Metabolic healing

    HTMA - hair mineral testing

  • Fertility Support

    Cultivating fertility

    Post birth mineral balancing

    Pre conception preparation

    Birth preparation and body support

    Awakening creativity

  • Feminine Energy

    Awaken feminine energy

    Restore vitality and radiance

    Re balance hormones and energy


    Safety in body and deep relaxation

  • Somatic healing + embodiment

    Somatic healing

    Embodiment practices

    Nervous system regulation

    Resourcing practices


  • Receive support and accountability

  • Be held in a safe container as you expand into your fullness

  • Explore embodied experiential experiences

  • Explore the ways life has habitually contracted, closed, shut down your heart, womb, body and energy and how that plays out in your life

  • Feel into the body beyond story and habit to awake a deeper expression of creation

  • Awaken to your full power and potential

  • Restore on a cellular level

  • Receive energy activation

  • Awaken into deeper centre within

Call Dates + Times

Open call 5th September

Module 1 - 12th + 26th September

Module 2 - 10th + 24th October

Module 3 - 7th + 21st November

Module 4 - 5th + 19th December

Module 5 - 9th + 23rd January

Close call 6th February

All calls held 6.30-7.30pm UK TIME ZONE


Feminine Embodiment Practices

Movement, breathwork, embodiment, vocal expression + sounding, somatic practices intended to awaken your heart, womb and body, practices to release habitual patterns stored in the body, practices to unlock the potential of your creative expression, and connect you with your feminine energy, heart, womb and embodied wisdom.

Intuitive Embodied Coaching

Intuitive coaching + guidance to support you in welcoming in all aspects of yourself, with a focus on: embodiment, womb awakening, heart awakening, alchemy practices, integration processes, reclaiming sexuality and sensuality, creative awakening, conception and feminine leadership.

Root Cause Protocol and Remineralisation protocol

Personalized protocol to guide you deeper into embodied resource and become a well-mineralised woman. Deepening your experience of connection to your body, supporting a relaxation of your body-mind, and allowing your inner landscape to soften and return back to her essence

 The Sacred Structure…


Calls are held via Zoom and include teachings, embodiment practices, time for questions and answers and discussions, guided rituals and meditations, and intimate inner explorations.


After each call, you will be offered embodiment practices to integrate into your daily life. Some of these practices will be pre recorded and some of these practices will be offerings of self led exploration.


You will receive access to all call recordings for your unlimited use and reference during and after the program. Recordings will be uploaded within 48 hours of the call completion.


In between calls, WE will stay connected via Telegram, where you can share your unfolding experiences, ask questions, and receive support from Rebecca.

This mentorship is a deeply embodied journey that offers you a multifaceted experience to bring a rich, deep and unique alchemy of healing modalities, energy transmissions, integration practices, somatic awareness, mind-body connection and relaxation to cultivate new depths of safety within your body.

Held with the intention to support you on a sacred journey to an embodied state of resource, overflow, awakened creativity, cellular nourishment and softening into your feminine essence.

Remembering the pure lifeforce that lives within you.

Embodiment, Womb Connection, Feminine Practices, and Embodied Awakening are the antidotes to the collective disconnect we have all been feeling through this time of evolution.

All of the journeys I have done with Rebecca have been life-changing, but the deep sustainable shifts that have materialised over the past ten months have been something far more profound than ever before. To put it into perspective, my robustness, inner strength, and ability to achieve what I have achieved this year have been noticed by everyone in my life.

Not that that is what is important to me, but I have made a five-year dream materialise in less than a year, birthing a wellness centre and creating a home. I have been doing so much that previously would have sent me into physical and emotional collapse, yet here I stand, stronger, more resourced and nourished than ever. I am so proud of all I have achieved this year and my ability to adapt, and I cannot thank Rebecca enough for leading the way on these deep cellular shifts. Despite knowing I can do it and hold it all, I also know that this isn't what I want long term, and I am now looking forward to bringing in more rest and enjoying all that I have created this year.

Truly, thank you, Rebecca, for holding such a powerful and potent space.




Is the hair test essential?

It isn’t essential to have an HTMA test to join Embodied Woman Mentorship or to journey through RCP. The hair test supports us to see a snapshot of 3-6 months of the experience of stress within your body from life experiences and shows us any current depletion’s or mineral dysregulations

Is there a payment plan?

Yes we offer a 6 month payment plan for £280 per month

Are group calls recorded if I can’t attend live?

Yes we recorded all group calls and uploaded the sessions within 24-48 hours in our group online course portal for you to access at a convenient time.

Can I book a connection call?

Yes you can book a connection call here to make sure this is the right program for you

How do I book my individual sessions?

You will receive an on boarding email with full details of the journey and a link to book your individual calls

Is there support in between sessions?

Yes you will have access in a group telegram with Rebecca to share, connect, and be fully supported,

Meet Your Guide

Hello beautiful.

You’re here because you feel the call of your body to return to her and hold her in the honor and reverence that is her birthright.

You’re a woman who is ready for cellular restoration and deep nourishment through connection to yourself, body heart and womb

I am here to show you how. I am globally known as a womb keeper + spiritual midwife , pioneering the way in Feminine Embodiment, Womb Awakening, Body Nourishment

I support women to reconnect with themselves from a rooted place to become resourced and re-nourished.

I've personally experienced and witnessed in the incredible women who've embarked on this transformative journey with me. They're reporting feeling more grounded, intimately connected to their bodies and emotions. There's a softening, an expanded capacity for life's richness in business, creativity, leadership, and motherhood.

The transformation is profound—they express a sense of being more resourced, breaking free from survival loops. Women who once endured agonizing periods are now experiencing healing, moving towards harmonious cycles.

What's remarkable is their newfound ability to honor their needs, articulate boundaries, and step away from the frequency of lack. Living in fullness within themselves, they are making choices that nourish rather than deplete.

These shifts extend into their relationships, allowing for increased capacity as a partner, mother, friend, daughter, sister, coach, healer, or therapist.

It's a journey that brings about tangible and powerful changes, nurturing a fuller, richer expression of life within and around them.

Rebecca Wilson, is a wisdom keeper of the feminine frequency, womb awakener and great mother energy She supports women to reorient themselves into deeper relationship with their bodies wombs, fertile, energy, creative power and potential Rebecca guides women back into connection with their natural essence go become the living embodiment of the true nature.

To experience life, inhabiting their body fully through embodiment, somatic practices, womb, awakening, remineralisation, and energetic frequency realignment.

Rebecca‘s wisdom,support guides women traversing the path of womanhood + motherhood Rebecca believes that fertile energy, creative power, embodied, resourced, nourished loving is the birthright of all women Guiding women into embodied resource responsibility sovereignty and cellular nourishment